9 Hours in Bratislava, Slovakia

Originally posted on September 20th, 2017

Last week, I had to go alllll the way to Bratislava to handle my Visa application. The funny thing about the Austrian government is that I wasn't allowed to do it within Austria, hence the trip to the next closest country capital. I had no expectations going into the trip, as I was too busy to do any research outside of what I needed for the paperwork, and I'm happy it turned out this way for a couple of reasons. This first is that the old town was quite small, meaning that if I was expecting some huge historical center, I would've been disappointed, and that wouldn't be fair since the place is quite cozy. The second is because it's so much more fun going with the flow once you get to a new place and start asking locals where to go instead. But enough about that! Let's get into the good part: the pictures.

Once we got done with the business part of the trip in the morning, we stopped by the closest restaurant since we were all starving and in need of a good coffee.

Once we were satisfied (aka not hangry), we asked around and Googled a few places to see. The first was old town, to which we walked since everything was so close by.

Once we got to the main square, we took to the stairs of the old tower-turned-museum which overlooked the entire city. Well worth the €2!

From there, we took a walk to a Greek church that was painted blue! It was very different from the churches I've seen so far in Europe. I'm not sure whether I liked it per se, but it did make for some interesting pictures.

At this point, we were all pretty tired since we all woke up really early, so we took an Uber to the Bratislava Castle! It overlooks the city, and had a really pretty garden. The soft colors and Mediterranean-inspired layout was a nice change compared to the luscious greens of the Austrian gardens.

When we were done with exploring the castle, we sat down for some well-deserved Prosecco and Nutella crepes before heading back down to the Embassy to pick up our brand new visas (!) and taking the train back to Vienna.

Overall, I really enjoyed this quick trip and I definitely recommend taking a day to look around this city! There were so many places to stop and have a drink or just enjoy the views. Feel free to comment below if you want to know any other specifics!


Schönbrunn Palace


A Quick Update