Vienna Weinwandertag Weekend
Originally posted on October 1st, 2017
Happy Sunday!
Today, I have something special for you all. This weekend was the annual Weinwandertag, or otherwise known as Wine Hiking! Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like: you "hike" through vineyards and stop to drink the local wine produced from the grapes of those same vineyards. It was a truly spectacular weekend filled with delicious wine, sunshine, and new friends.
I wouldn't have known about this if it weren't for my friend Mikaela (shoutout to ya!). There was a big group of us, probably over 20 exchange students, who took on the daunting task of trying all the wines. We started at the bottom of the trail in a small suburb that looked like something out of an Alpine magazine. It was so quaint and cozy; I'll definitely be back as there are many local restaurants and heurigers that I've heard are a must for checking out.
The hike itself was really pleasant, with views of the city at every turn. It was so beautiful that I couldn't believe it was real! This city continues to surprise me.
But other than the spectacular views, the wine was also delicious! I learned what sturm is (partially fermented wine that is only available at the end of summer in Vienna). It's slightly sweet and a little carbonated. So basically perfect!
So that's all for today! If you have any questions about the wines or how to be a part of these Wine Hikes, just comment below! However, now it's time to get ready for tomorrow, as it's the first day of my senior year in college (yikes). Until next time - prost!