First Day of School
Originally posted on October 3rd, 2017
It's finally that time of the year again: the first day of school...
I know, I know. It's pretty late for most people to be starting uni, but here we are! Vienna has a system in which classes start really late and end really late. But I'm not complaining as of yet! I had the opportunity to explore and relax for a whole extra month, so ending late is a small price to pay.
As for my first day of classes, I had International Marketing. The class lasted for three hours (yes, you read that right). I wasn't used to using that much brain power for that long; like I said, I've been in vacation mode for a month now. The class was really interesting though, so I'm excited to continue learning about marketing with a globalization twist on it.
The buildings themselves were pretty modern and sleek, making me feel more like I was on the moon or Mars than in school, so major win for WU Wien!
The weather also matched my mood: sunny and warm. Overall, it was a pretty solid start to my last fall semester as an undergraduate student!
That about wraps up my day (unless you want to hear all about International Marketing or Corporate Sustainability, but we can take that conversation through PM haha). Now, off to do some studying. âšī¸ Until next time!