Weekend in Bulgaria
Originally posted on January 5th, 2018
For my birthday this year, I had the opportunity to go to Bulgaria to visit my family for the first time in 8 years. It was so nice to be able to see everyone again after so long, especially for an occasion as special as my birthday. I got to eat so much amazing food, hang out with family, and do some sightseeing.
I only had three days to see everyone, but we for sure made the most of it! It was raining the whole weekend, but to our surprise, rain slowly turned into snow, transforming the landscape into a winter wonderland. It was insanely beautiful, and I can't wait to show you all the pictures! So, let's get to the good part: the photos!
All in all, my visit to Bulgaria was a great time catching up with family I haven't seen in so long. I got to reconnect with my culture for a few days and see some real snow. Hopefully, I can visit again sooner rather than later! I hope you enjoyed this quick post!